Speaking Part 1 | Mini Test 2


The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.


Topic 1: Sports

  1. What kind of sport do you like to do at the university?
  2. Do you like sports?
  3. What kinds of sports are popular in your country?
  4. Who is your favorite sportsman? 
  5. Do you want to take a part in Olympics? 



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    Topic 1: Sports

    What kind of sport do you like to do at the university?

    Well the sport I played the most at college was table tennis, and honestly, it’s a sport everyone can play. My friends and I all enjoyed playing it at the gym when we were free. Not to blow my own horn, but I really have a knack for playing table tennis. My friends could barely defeat me when we played a game.


    Do you like sports?

    Personally, I don’t really like sports. It’s probably because I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to understanding all the rules. And… I’m also not an athletic person; honestly, I’m more of a couch potato. I prefer reading books or playing board games rather than watching or playing sports.


    What kinds of sports are popular in your country?

    When it comes to a popular sport in my country, table tennis is without a doubt number one. I think the main reason is that table tennis is very easy to learn and has no age or gender barriers, so basically everyone can play it. Plus, my country has a culture of table tennis, as our national table tennis team was rarely defeated at the Olympics.


    Who is your favorite sportsman? 

    Speaking of my favorite athlete, the first one that comes to mind is Michel. He’s the best swimmer in the US and also multiple Olympic gold medallists. I heard he just swept up four gold medals in the Olympic games a month ago, which made fans like me over the moon as well.


    Do you want to take a part in Olympics? 

    Well,  sports really aren’t my cup of tea,  so  I’m not a  very athletic person. But  I really love swimming. So I guess I would join the Olympics for the swimming competition if I ever had the chance. It would be awesome to represent my country.


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