Mock Test 27.3 | Academic Reading


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.


A.  For hundreds of years, people have known of the beneficial effects of magnetism on the human body. There is no doubting that the placement of magnets on or near a person’s body makes them feel good. [Crack IELTS with Rob] Magnets are a completely safe and natural product. Magnets are non-invasive, totally reusable, last for decades, and you only have to pay once. Therapeutic Magnets have been used for centuries as a treatment for many ailments. Magnets are also commonly used for pain relief and for a sense of general well-being. Natural magnets or lodestones as these were known as in times gone by have been documented over thousands of years in relation to the treatment of pain and disease in many ancient cultures and civilizations.


B.  It is only in recent times that magnetic therapy has been as an “alternative treatment”. This is because it flies in the face of the more modern “quick fix drug culture” that is so prevalent in today’s society. [Crack IELTS with Rob] When in fact our modern drugs and treatments should really be the products that are labeled as “alternative treatments”. This is because when compared to magnetic therapy, these new drugs often only offer short-term relief and are relatively new and untested by the passage of time. Modern drugs can also be addictive and often have severe side effects.


C.  It is common knowledge that the Earth itself is a giant magnet. We can’t see its magnetic field, we can’t touch it, we can’t hear it, we can’t even smell it, but with sophisticated equipment we can measure it and prove its existence beyond doubt. [Crack IELTS with Rob] Just like every other magnet, the Earth has both North and South poles and the magnetic field strongly influences almost everything around us. Things like the weather, our environment, our water, our food, including meat, vegetables, fruit, dairy products and everything else that we put into our body. In fact, the Earth’s magnetic field influences our environment in countless ways to the extent that our very health and existence strongly depend on these magnetic fields.


D.  Most people would not be surprised to know that the Sun also has a magnetic influence on our lives. Just live the Earth it too has strong magnetic fields. The Sun’s surface is made from a layer of molten material; that is regularly erupting with huge explosion knowns as magnetic sunspots. Scientists have studied these sunspots over many years. [Crack IELTS with Rob] Their research has shown that when sunspots explode, the magnetic energy levels are altered dramatically. There is strong evidence that sunspots affect us in a very strange way. By monitoring the occurrence of sunspots over many years and comparing these with hospital records from around the world, scientists have discovered that periods of sunspot activity correlate with periods where records show a remarked increase in accidents and injuries. The vast majority of these injuries are recorded as resulting from daydreaming or a lack of concentration. This research indicates the possible existence of a link between human behaviour and the Sun’s magnetic energy.


E.  The jury is still out on exactly how magnetic therapy products help our body and make us feel better. However, it is generally accepted that our body draws some benefits from the Earth’s magnetic field. It stands to reason that if this field is interrupted and perhaps even corrupted before it reaches our body, then the benefit we receive will be at the least diminished and quite possibly non-existent. [Crack IELTS with Rob] The theory is that when we place permanent magnets near our body, we are able to draw on the magnetic field created thus replacing the magnetic energy that we should be absorbing from the Earth. This is said to restore the balance within our body and therefore allow us to function at our optimum level. This line of thought is backed up by N.A.S.A. Astronauts in the early space missions regularly complained of muscle soreness. Medical examinations also revealed a loss of bone density. Even after short periods away from Earth. This was originally thought to be caused by the absence of gravity, however, it was later found to be resulting from a total lack of the Earth’s magnetic field. This problem was easily solved by the placement of magnets in both the spacecraft and spacesuits.


F.  Magnets are also often used in the relief of pain. Many people claim to feel a dramatic reduction and often a total elimination of both acute and chronic aches and pains. The evidence is anecdotal, however, it does indicate that magnets are extremely effective on most types of pain for a large percentage of the people who used these in their treatment. [Crack IELTS with Rob] Recent research suggests that magnetic energy increases the body’s ability to produce endorphins. These endorphins are the body’s natural pain killer. It stands to reason the more endorphins our body produces, the less pain we feel. Research also shows that magnetic fields dilate our capillaries and in doing so dramatically enhance our blood flow to the affected region of the body. Our blood carries many tools that our body needs to repair itself. Good circulation is also essential in the process of removing toxins from our body. Fresh oxygenated blood is an instrument in flushing our body clean, and assisting in the removal of lactic acid and toxins that are associated with disease. This in turn enhances our body’s healing process resulting in a reduction in the time that our body takes to recover from illness or injury.


G.  The two main goals of magnetic healing are to speed healing and reduce pain. In terms of healing an area of the body, magnets are placed either on or near the body, and it’s believed that the magnets act to stimulate the cellular and chemical area where the healing is to occur. That is, blood is accelerated to the area, which increases the oxygenation of the blood and dilates the blood vessels, providing additional oxygen and nutrients to the place in need of healing. [Crack IELTS with Rob] In terms of reducing pain, some doctors believe that pain reduction with magnets works similarly to using a heating pad. The magnets are again placed on or near the body, and are used to stimulate nerve endings by acting to interrupt pain signals to the brain. The difference is that heat treatment can be more intense, while magnetic healing is more constant. So, while you can’t wear a heating pad for hours at a time, you can wear a magnetic bracelet every day. 


Questions 27 - 33

Reading Passage 3 has seven paragraphs, A-G.

Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs, A-G, from the list of headings below.

Write appropriate numbers (i-x) in boxes 27-33 on your answer sheet.


NB    There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.


List of Headings

i         Not an optional treatment

ii        Earth itself as the biggest magnet

iii       Magnetic field affects environment

iv       Benefits of the Sun’s magnetic energy

v        Utilize the power from natural magnetic field

vi       History of magnet therapy

vii      Implications of Sun’s magnetic power

viii     Magnetic field changed our society

ix       The Earth’s magnetic field benefits the human body

x        Pain-reducing effects


  • 27.  Paragraph A

  • 28.  Paragraph B

  • 29.  Paragraph C

  • 30.  Paragraph D

  • 31.  Paragraph E

  • 32.  Paragraph F

  • 33.  Paragraph G


Questions 34 - 36

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 34-36 on your answer sheet, write


TRUE                  if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE                if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN       if there is no information on this


  • 34.  NASA astronauts demonstrated the relationship between magnets and people’s health.

  • 35.  Magnetic therapy often has some side effects.

  • 36.  It is more often efficient to reduce pain by using a heating pad than magnets.


Questions 37 - 40

Complete the summary below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Write the correct answers in boxes, 37-40, on your answer sheet.


  • The magnet can also be considered as a pain killer, and many patients claim to feel a distinct (37 of aches and pains. 

  • Reseach advocates that the magnetic power generated (38)  to relieve pain, 

  • and enlarge (39 to strengthen the blood flow. 

  • This process can remove (40 and make our body recover from illness or injury.

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