Speaking Part 3 | Test 2

Discussion topics:

Topic: Film

1. What is the difference between watching movies at home and at a cinema?

2. To what extent do films influence a country's culture?

3. Why do some film actors become famous?

4. What about children - what impact do films have on children?

5. Do you think films have much influence on young people?



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    Topic: Film

    1. What is the difference between watching movies at home and at a cinema?

    There are a lot, I guess. One of which would be related to the sense of comfort. I mean watching a movie at home can be more relaxing as you are free to eat, drink or make loud noises as you wish without worrying about bothering others like in the cinema. However, when it comes to the quality of the movie itself, the cinema is definitely a better place as it offers a big screen with lively sound effects, which helps audiences enjoy the movie to the utmost.


    2. To what extent do films influence a country's culture?

    From my observation, it can be the fashion in films that partly influences what people wear. As a matter of fact, after certain films are released, the national fashion trends are updated with some new items or the style of some traditional costume is modified. Take “[a well-known film in your country]”- a famous movie as an example, just a short time after the movie was released at the cinema, the traditional “[your country's custom]” with vintage patterns become so prevalent among the youth.


    3. Why do some film actors become famous?

    To me it can be either their talent or their scandals, or both. A lot of young talents have started to emerge after their movies, and audiences admire their excellent performance or just simply love their characters in their films. But a group of actors is also well-known across the movie industry for scandalous affairs which are constantly updated in the press, and in fact, many young stars have decided to make their fame this way.


    4. What about children - what impact do films have on children?

    It depends on the type of films children watch. With some films that are suitable for their age, it does no harm, but when it comes to films with violent content, children may get affected in a negative way. They tend to be more aggressive and imitate what they see in the films and apply it into real life. So, it is necessary for parents to have control over the films that their children have an access to.


    5. Do you think films have much influence on young people?

    Sure and it can be both positive and negative, depending on the films they watch. While some can leave an important message about social relationships or highlight positive human qualities, others may undermine their belief about life. Also, the language in films can affect the way they speak to others.


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