Mock Test 1.3 (Academic Reading)


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 on the following pages.

Shoemaker-Levy 9

A.       The last half of July 1994 witnessed much interest among astronomers and the wider public in the collision of comet Schoemaker-Levy (SL9) with Jupiter. The comet was discovered on 25 March 1993 by Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy, using the 450 mm Schmidt camera at the Mount Palomar Observatory. [Crack IELTS with Rob] The discovery was based on a photographic plate exposed two days earlier. The Shoemakers are particularly experienced comet hunters with 61 discoveries to their credit. Their technique relies on the proper motion of a comet to identify the object as a non-stellar body. They photograph large areas of the sky, typically with an eight-minute exposure, and repeat the photograph 45 minutes later. Comparison of the two photographs with a stereo-microscope reveals any bodies which have moved against the background of fixed stars.


B.       As so often in science, serendipity played a large part in the discovery of Shoemaker- Levy 9! The weather on the night of 23 March was so poor that the observers would not normally have bothered putting film into their camera. However, they had a box of old film to hand which had been partially exposed by accident some days previously, so decided to insert it into the camera rather than waste good film. Fortunately, two of the film plates, despite being fogged round the edges, captured the first image of a very strange, bar-shaped object. This object, which Carolyn Shoemaker first described as a squashed comet, later became known as comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.


C.       Other, more powerful, telescopes revealed that the comet was, in fact, composed of 21 cometary fragments, strung out in a line, which accounted for the unusual shape. [Crack IELTS with Rob] The term string of pearls was soon coined. Figure 1 is a mosaic taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) during 24-27 January 1994. It shows the main fragments which at that time spanned a linear distance of approximately 600,000 km. Initially, the fragments were surrounded by extensive dust clouds in the line of the nuclei but these later disappeared. Some of the nuclei also faded out (presumably due to disintegration), while others split into multiple fragments.


D.       The size of the original comet and each of the fragments was, and still is, something of a  mystery. The first analysis of the orbital dynamics of the fragments suggested that the comet was originally some 2.5 km in diameter with an average fragment diameter of 0.75 km. Later work gave corresponding diameters of approximately 10 km and 2 km and these values are now considered more likely. There was considerable variation in the diameters of different fragments.


E.       Further calculations revealed that the cemetery fragments were on course to collide with Jupiter during July 1994, and that each fragment could deliver an energy equivalent to approximately 500,000 million tonnes of TNT. The prospect of celestial fireworks on such a grand scale immediately captured the attention of astronomers worldwide!


F.       Each fragment was assigned an identity letter A-W (letters “I” and “O” were not used to avoid potential confusion with numbers “1” and ‘0”) and a co-ordinated program of observations was put in place world-wide to track their towards impact with Jupiter. [Crack IELTS with Rob] As the cometary fragments reached the cloud of Jupiter, they were travelling at approximately 60 km/s and the chain of fragments had spread out to cover approximately 30 million km. The impacts occurred during 16-22 July. All took place at a latitude of approximately 48  which nominally placed them in the SSS Temperate Region however, visually, they appeared close to the Jovian polar region. Although the impacts all occurred some 10-15  round the limb on the far side of the planet as seen from Earth, the rapid rotation of the planet (a Jovian day is only some 10 hours long) soon carried them into the view of Earth- based telescope. The collisions lived up to all but the wildest expectations and provided a truly impressive spectacle.


G.      Jupiter is composed of a relatively small core of iron and silicates surrounded by hydrogen. In the depths of the planet (approximately 1000 km and more below the visible cloud tops) the hydrogen is so compressed that it is metallic in form; further from the centre, the pressure is lower and the hydrogen is in its normal molecular form. The Jovian cloud tops visible from Earth consist primarily of methane and ammonia with relatively small amounts of other elements and compounds which are thought to be responsible for the colours seen in the atmosphere.


H.       The smaller cometary fragments plunged into Jupiter, rapidly disintegrated and left little trace; three of the smallest fragments, namely T, U and V left no discernible traces whatsoever. [Crack IELTS with Rob] However, many of the cometary fragments were sufficiently large to produce a spectacular display. Each large fragment punched through the cloud tops, heated the surrounding gases to some 20,000 K on the way, and caused a massive plume or fireball up to 2000km in diameter to rise. Before encountering thicker layers of the atmosphere and disintegrating in a mammoth shock wave, the large fragments raised dark dust particles and ultra-violet (UV) absorbing gases high into the Jovian cloud tops; in visible light, this material manifested itself as a dark scar surrounding the impact site.


I.       Some days after collision the impact sites began to evolve and fade as they became subject to the dynamics of Jupiter’s atmosphere. No-one knows how long they will remain visible from Earth, but it is thought that the larger scars may persist for a year or more. The interest of professional astronomers in Jupiter is now waning and valuable work can therefore be performed by amateurs in tracking the evolution of the collision scars. The scars are easily visible in a modest telescope, and a large reflector will show them in some detail. [Crack IELTS with Rob] There is scope for valuable observing work from now until Jupiter reaches conjunction with the Sun in November 2004.


J.        Astronomers and archivists are now searching old records for possible previously unrecognized impacts on Jupiter. Several spots were reported from 1690 to 1872 by observers including William Herschel and Giovanni Cassini. The records of the BAA in 1927 and 1948 contain drawings of Jupiter with black dots or spots visible. It is possible that comet impacts have been observed before, without their identity being realized, but no-one can be sure.

Questions 27 - 31

Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B - F from the list of headings below.

Write appropriate numbers (i-x) in boxes 27-31 on your answer sheet.

NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.


List of Headings

i         Camera settings for observation

ii        Collistions on stage

iii       Size of the comet

iv       String of pearls

v        Scientific explanations

vi       Hubble Space Telescope

vii      First discovery of the squashed comet

viii     Power generated from the collisions

ix       Calculations, expectations and predictions

x        Change of the fragment’s shape        

  • 27.  Paragraph B 

  • 28.  Paragraph C 

  • 29.  Paragraph D 

  • 30.  Paragraph E 

  • 31.  Paragraph F 


Questions 32 - 35

Reading Passage 3 contains 10 paragraphs A-J.

Which paragraphs state the following information?

Write the appropriate letters A-J in boxes 32-35 on your answer sheet.


  • 32.  Shoemaker- Levy 9 comets had been accidentally detected.

  • 33.  The collision caused a spectacular vision on Jupiter.

  • 34.  Every single element of Shoemaker- Levy 9 was labeled.

  • 35.  Visual evidence explains the structure of Shoemaker- Levy 9.


QuestionS 36 - 40

Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passages for each answer.

  • The core of Jupiter, which is enclosed by hydrogen, consists of (36 and 

  • (37. Hydrogen is in metallic form as it is squeezed by pressure generated from the depths of the planet. The pressure is gradually reduced

  • from the centre to the outside layers, where hydrogen is in normal form of (38

  • Far from the ground, methane and ammonia structures the (39, which can be observed from earth. 

  • Colours seen in the atmosphere are largely due to other particles (40, in the cloud.





Please click the red words below for other sections of this Mock Test:

Mock Test 1 | Academic Writing Task 1
Mock Test 1 | Reading Passage 1
Mock Test 1 | Reading Passage 3


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