Mock Test 13.1 | General Reading


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

Section 1 (Questions 1 - 7)

Techno Institute of Training – Information for Students


Welcome to the Techno Institute of Training. Please read the following infor­ mation carefully.


All Q5texts and manuals required in our classes are available for sale in the Main Office, Room 105. [Crack IELTS with Rob] Please see the receptionist to purchase your reading materials. You must have all materials when you arrive at your first class meeting, so please plan to get them ahead of time.


If for any reason you need to withdraw from a class that you are enrolled in, please note the following policies. Tuition will be fully refunded ifyou withdraw from the class before the second class meeting. Withdrawals made after the sec­ ond class meeting but before the third will receive a refund of 50 percent of the tuition. Refunds cannot be made after the third class meeting. Q3To withdraw from a class, please visit the Registrar’s Office in Room 103.


Tickets to our Friday night lecture series are available to all students free of charge. [Crack IELTS with Rob] If you are interested in attending a lecture, Q2please get your ticket from the Student Activities Office, Room 107. Each student is allowed only one free ticket per lecture. Also, Q6visit the Student Activities Office to see a schedule of local field trips, student social hours, and other upcoming events.


The Q1Counseling Office, Room 109 is open Monday through Thursday from 3:00 to 9:00 P.M. Q7Assistance is available for choosing classes, making future edu­ cational plans, and searching for employment.


Changes in your class schedule may be made during the first week of the semester only. [Crack IELTS with Rob] Q4Class change forms are available in the Counseling Office. You must obtain the instructor’s signature to change classes.


Section 1 (Questions 8 - 14)

Department of Motor Vehicles – Applying for a Driver’s License


The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is located on the fourth floor of City Hall. [Crack IELTS with Rob] Business hours are Monday through Thursday 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and Q8Friday 12 noon to 8:30 P.M. Closed on holidays.


New Drivers

The Q13fee for a first-time driver’s license is $100, payable by check or credit card. [Crack IELTS with Rob] You must take both a written test and a road test. Study manuals for the writ­ ten test are available at the General Information desk in Room 400. Call the General Information desk at 473-555-7839 to make an appointment to take your tests. When you arrive for your appointment, you will take the written test first and then the road test. Q9If you fail the written test, a thirty-day wait is required before taking the test again. You will not be permitted to take the road test until you have passed the written test. If you fail the road test, you must show a certificate of completion of a driver’s education course given by an accredited institution before retaking the test. Driving courses are offered by the DMV. Ask for a course schedule at the General Information desk.


First-time applicants are required to present a valid form of identification with a photograph such as a passport, student identification card, work identi­ fication card, or military registration card when applying for a license. Q11Citizens of other countries are asked to present a current visa in addition to one of the above-mentioned forms of identification.


License Renewals

You Q14must renew a license no more than six months after the expiration date to avoid having to retake the written and road tests. [Crack IELTS with Rob] You can renew your current driver’s license in person or online. Bring your license and $65 cash or a check made out to the Department of Motor Vehicles to Room 405 during business hours. Credit cards are also accepted. Q12License renewals can be made online at the DMV website. A credit card is required for online payment. 


Questions 1 - 7

Section 1 mentions several different offices at the school, A-D.

Which office would you visit in the following circumstances?

Write your answer on boxes, 1-7, on your answer sheet.


NB      You may use any office more than once.


List of offices:

A         Room 103

B         Room 105

C         Room 107

D         Room 109


  • 1.  You are looking for a job.

  • 2.  You want to attend a lecture. 

  • 3.  You have decided not to take a class and you want your money back. 

  • 4.  You have decided not to take a class and you want to take another class instead. 

  • 5.  You need to buy books for your classes. 

  • 6.  You want to visit a nearby museum with other students. 

  • 7.  You are trying to decide which classes to take. 


Questions 8 - 14

Match the following sentences based on the information in Section 2.

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-J, from the list below.

Write the correct letter, A-J, on boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet.


List of statements

A         pay $100

B         wait a month before retaking the test

C         sign up for a course at the DMV

D         make an appointment before 9 AM

E          show a valid visa

         retake the written and road tests

G         visit the office on Friday

H         visit the DMV website

          show a work or student ID card

          take a drive’s education course


  • 8.  People who work during the day can

  • 9.  People who fail the written test must

  • 10.  People who fail the road test must

  • 11.  People from other countries have to

  • 12.  People who want to renew their license can

  • 13.  People who apply for their first license must

  • 14.  People whose license has been invalid for a year have to




Please click the red words below for other Sections in this Mock Test:

Mock Test 13 | Reading Passage 2
Mock Test 13 | Reading Passage 3
Mock Test 13 | General Writing Task 1 


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