IELTS Listening Forecast 12

Note: The green words represent the forecast answers in the upcoming exam.

PART 1       Questions 1 - 10

Questions 1 - 10

Complete the notes below.



                         Flight Booking Form


1. Flight destination: from Birmingham to Berlin (departure date: 29th October)

2. The date of return: 5th November (go 19th Oct + 7 days)

3. Ticket price: 150 pounds (you should write pounds)

4. Type of ticket: weekly return (it's cheaper and more convenient)

5. Home address: Bank House (not the Ban House)

6. Name: Cowper

7. Special requirement: no milk, no nuts (her mother does not like)

8. Airline can offer a wheelchair (girl's mother's legs are not good)

9. extra legroom (it is said that her mother feels the seat uncomfortable and they need something like redundant seats or empty seats, but when I wrote down it. It said something like "cabinet" and the guy said he will write it down")

10. Payment method: bank transfer (the male staff asked her to pay credit card? she chose bank transfer)



PART 2       Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 - 15

The map has eight gaps. Choose the correct letter, A-H, and move to the suitable places.

11. Paint section: H (bottom right)

12. Kitchen section: C

13. Children's play area: G (between the cafe and the paint section)

14. Bathroom section: E (between the cafe and tool section)

15. Garden section: D (between the tool section and staff area)


Questions 16 - 20

Choose the correct letters AB, or C.

16.Why does home improvement store attract customers?

A. low price

B. wide range of goods

C. good customer service

17. The staff must promote the customers by giving them

A. catalog

B. magazine

C. website

18. What are the benefits of working at home improvement store?

A. efficiency

B. friendly atmosphere

C. flexible working house

19. What will the next workshop be about?

A. xxx

B. how to fix a fence

C. xxx

20. What will the customers get if they buy new kitchen facilities?

A. free delivery

B. free appliances

C. free installation




PART 3       Questions 21 - 30

Questions 21 - 22

Choose TWO letters A-E.

What are the TWO benefits of including work experience in the first year of the engineering course?

A. xxx

B. it familiarizes students with engineering equipment

C. it helps students understand work-related terms

D. xxx

E. xxx


Questions 23 - 24

Choose TWO letters A-E.

Which TWO best criteria for choosing a work experience placement do the students agree?

A. xxx

B. the chance to see interaction between staff members

C. xxx

D. xxx

E. the chance to be employed there after graduation



Questions 25 - 30

Which of the following potential problems is suitable for the aspects of the work experience report below?

Choose the correct letters, A-H, on boxes 25-30, on your answer sheet.

Potential problems

A. being too critical

B. not noticing errors in language

C. making it difficult for the tutor to correct

D. including irrelevant material

E. not relating the work experience to the course

F. omitting the official record

G. not referencing other people's material

H. not outlining the management organization


Aspects of work experience

25. the use of a computer: G

26. the photos and diagrams: D

27. the formatting of the report: C

28. the section on staffing: H

29. the section on company description: E

30. the conclusion: A


PART 4       Questions 31 - 40

Questions 31 - 40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


         Hibernation and Migration of American Tyrannosaurus



31. butterfly hibernate when they are eggs

32. white cabbage butterfly serves as anti-freezing

33. monarch butterfly is dangerous mainly because of warm condition



34. it is the only species migrating in winter

35. butterfly depends on energy stored in migrating

36. migrating generations live for 6 months

37, 38. finding way using rivers and sunlight

39. a group of butterflies goes out during night in trees

40. watching the migration can be of good interest to tourists