IELTS Listening Forecast 8

Note: The green words represent the forecast answers in the upcoming exam.

PART 1       Questions 1 - 10

Questions 1 - 10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


                         Customer Information Sheet


1. Contact work phone: 0427139684

2. Moving from: Somerton Western Australia

3. Total members: two adults, a child (almost 3 years old)

4. Type of accommodation: flat

5. Location: in the North

6. extra request: close to a park

7. need a pool

8. to pay the maximum of $600

9. date to move on 15 December

10. organize a hotel for August


PART 2       Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 - 14

What are Jenny's instructions to Alistair concerning each of the following tasks?

Choose the correct letters A, B, or C, next to Questions 11-14 on your answer sheet.


A. He should start doing it today

B. He should start doing it in the next few days

C. Not his responsibility


11. Collecting incoming post: A

12. answering phones: C

13. reading emails: B

14. update customer database: A


Questions 15 - 20

Which of the following statements is suitable for the activities below?

Choose the correct letters, A-I, next to Questions 15-20 on your answer sheet.



A. approved supplies list

B. authorization

C. contract

D. note

E. a copy

F. invoice

G. order form

H. purchase number

I. schedule



15. get authorization from your manager: B

16. ask for a purchase number: H

17. check approve supplies list: A

18. complete order form: G

19. ensure you have contract: C

20. signed delivery note: D


PART 3       Questions 21 - 30

Questions 21 - 23

Choose the correct letters AB, or C.

21. What does Jenny do recently?

A. playing football

B. football training

C. watch football match

22. What does Steve do recently?

B. referee a football match

23. What is required to have for a referee?

A. have to be 18-50 years old

B. need a lot of experience

C. need certificate


Questions 24 - 25

Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

24. His class will start at 8 am on Saturday and finish at 6 pm on Sunday.

25. Total number of class of referee: 60


Questions 26 - 30

Choose the correct letters A, B, or C.

26. Why does the man take an intensive class?

A. find a place in the university

B. finish the course shortly

C. making money

27. What are the disadvantages of this place?

A. lack of practical course

B. the course beyond them

C. too many textbooks

28. What is the hardest part of the exam?

A. difficulty of exam

B. the length of oral exam

C. writing

29. What does the man think of the unfairness that those female football players receiving?

A. regrettable

B. puzzling

C. exaggerating

30. Why doesn't the man want to be a referee?

A. not enough respect

B. limitations in career perspective

C. work too much



PART 4       Questions 31 - 40

Questions 31 - 40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


                                Japan's Paleolithic Age


31. Jomon's existence in Japan for 10,000BC

32. Jomon men got into Japan through land bridge

33. temperature rise leads to growth of forest and population

34. stirred by a period of cyclical global warming

35. major food, nuts and fish

36. as weapons: arrows

37. southwest of this places villages rounded building (pit with 50 people)

38. cookery: Pairs of stones for preparation food

39. traditions of local marriage ceremonies

40. pottery is a revolutionary technology, crop grown was rice