IELTS Listening Questions and Answers - Actual Exam in North American regions on 20 November 2021

Note: The green words are the answers in the actual exam in North American regions (20/11/2021).

PART 1       Questions 1 - 10

Questions 1 - 6

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


                                                Regular Healthcare Check


1. Current job: nurse (trap: she want to be a teacher in the future)

2. Tel No.: 0407 686 121

3. Frequent headache

4. Occasional symptom: colds

5. Allergic to seafood

6. Have a problem with her eyes


Questions 7 - 10

Complete the table below.


Activity Time Last Venue
walk (7) 30 min at the beginning (8) park
(9) yoga 90 min (10) sports centre


PART 2       Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 - 14

The map below has FOUR gaps. Choose the correct answer, and move it to the suitable places.

11. xxx: tall ships

12. xxx: market

13. xxx: live music

14. xxx: meeting point (railway station - the end of the road)


Questions 15 - 20

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


15. silver winner of Olympic sailing will attend the opening ceremony

16. ships from India

17. air-sea rescue by police-helicopters

18. living music, you can listen to the sailors' songs

19. every 40 minutes

20. the impact of modern biological fishing, sailing techniques on wilder life



PART 3       Questions 21 - 30

Questions 21 - 25

Which of the following features is suitable for each kind of chocolate products below?

Choose FIVE answers from the list, A-F, and write it next to Questions 21-25 on your answer sheet.

List of statements:

21. chocolate histories: write fewer words (too much detail)

22. chocolate origin (producing area): add some up-to-date material (adding a map)

23. chocolate geographies: adding cases analysis

24. politely chocolate: more interesting information (make it less confused)

25. chocolate environment: need a visual aid


Questions 26 - 30

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

26. Why Australian cocoa crop is better than other regions?

A. import from other countries

B. from a small producer

C. make it affordable

27. Why Australian soil is better than other countries?

A. grow from better seeds

B. adding extra nutrition

C. nature nutrition in the soil

28. Waste product is used to

A. make the recycled paper cups

B. feed the animals

C. dumped into the soil

29. Why the part of the soil is removed?

A. it is an unnecessary part.

B. xxx

C. xxx

30. As the tutor said, what improvement needs to be done in the future?

A. xxx

B. more about waste management of the industry

C. xxx


PART 4       Questions 31 - 40

Questions 31 - 36

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


                     History of making cement


31. cement is made of chalk and clay

32. a new technique of exposing it to harden in high temperature

33. cement is popular because it is acceptable and cheap

34. in the process of production, CO2 will be released in ovens

35. world's 7% man-made CO2 comes from here

36. used highly in developing countries over 10%


Questions 37 - 40

Which of the following material is suitable for each statement below?

List of material

A      eco-cement

B      poland cement

C      both of them


37. unaffected by water: C (which materials will be affected by water, both cement has this ability-water proof)

38. cement that released CO2: C

39. absorb CO2 fairly quick: A (why the co-cement reabsorb the CO2)

40. less strong: B (eco-cement is stronger than Poland cement. but it is the latest technology, comparatively expensive, but will be fully applied comprehensively in the near future. because it is coming later, expensive)