IELTS Listening Questions and Answers - Actual Exam in some regions on 11 August 2022

Note: The green words are the answers in the actual exam in some regions (11/08/2022).

The Italics represent the dialogue in the audio of the test.

PART 1       Questions 1 - 10

Questions 1 - 4

Complete the notes below.



                 Accommodation Require Form


1. Surname: Thore

2. Length: 5 days

3. Station near: Golden Coast

4. Accommodation: apartment


Questions 5 - 7

Choose the correct letter AB or C.

5. The near view photo is taken of the

A. Kangaroo

B. Crocodile

C. Koala

6. Where does the boy like to go in the amusement park?

A. water park

B. dream park

C. xxx

7. The room is near

A. Reception desk

B. shopping center

C. souvenir shop


Questions 8 - 10

Choose THREE correct letters, A-F.

Which THREE facilities are needed?

A. playroom

B. reading room

C. laundry

D. cleaning aid kit

E. fridge




PART 2       Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 - 16

Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


11. Tonylic Electrical first produced cars.

12. Tonylic Electrical established its first electric power plant in 1926.

13. The company was previously built as a cinema.

14. The quality of products is the most important factor for customer

15. The company will build a new factory.

16. The company won rewards as something for reducing waste


Questions 17 - 20

Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Day Topic
Monday 17. improve safety
Tuesday 18. Website technology needs improvement
Wednesday 19. meet customers for communication
Thursday 20. check whether they have enough money



PART 3       Questions 21 - 30

Questions 21-25

Choose the correct letter AB or C.

21. What suggesdid tion Sara get from tutor?

A. development of her flyer

B. xxx

C. xxx

22. Carlie thinks to publicise

A. some photos

B. a poster

C. a flyer

23. Sara's body movement

A. needs explanation

B. xxx

C. xxx

24. What is the best advice from the tutor?

A. xxx

B. strong first impression

c. organizing the group

25. Who will check Sandra's draft before she submits it?

A. her parent

B. an artistic critic

C. an artist


Questions 26 - 30

Which of the following characteristics is suitable for the things below?

Choose FIVE correct answers from the list, A-G, and write it next to Questions 26-30.

List of characteristics

A. reflect in moods

B. combine different materials

C. high accuracy

D. use lettering

E. original things

F. all sources of media

G. personal relationship


List of things:

26. boo coverage: E

27. a jewelry: C

28. a wood craving: B

29. forest paintings: D

30. hotel advertising: A



PART 4       Questions 31 - 40

Questions 31 - 40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


                Environment for Elderly people


31. help recover from infection

32. recover better with a view of nature than a view of a wall

33. hospital is a source of stress

34. good for health, especially for heart

35. benefits to the immune system

36. research methods include observation and interview

37. a garden with a fountain is very popular

38. garden needs easily moved furniture

39. somewhere attracts birds

40. old people want to feel a part of society