IELTS Listening Questions and Answers - Actual Exam in some regions on 12 February 2022

Note: The green words are the answers in the actual exam in some regions (12/02/2022).

The Italics represent the dialogue in the audio of the test.

PART 1       Questions 1 - 10

Questions 1 - 10

Complete the notes below.



                                        Outdoor and Indoor Activity For Kids

Outdoor activities:

1. 463 Beacon Street

2. 27th June

3. sailing for girls

4. David surfing needs confidence

5. swimming certificate


Indoor activities:

6. drama

7. cookery

8. gold

9. wet suit

10. when should they meet before 7 am


PART 2       Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 - 12

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11. Local markets only

A. sell to individual buyers (their vegetables sell to customs directly in order to reduce marketing cost)

B. xxx

C. xxx

12. Cheaper gifts have

A. xxx

B. xxx

C. cheaper price (you can get a discount)


Questions 13 - 16

Complete the table below.


13. donkeys

14. apples

15. Fig's price is $6 per kg

16. tomatoes


Questions 17 - 20

The map below has FOUR gaps. Choose the correct letter, A-H, and move it to suitable places.

(Orchard, then gathered on the top right corner of it. Starts from bottom right rood from Sydney then goes top right, and come back.)

17. top right corner: B (somewhere in the bottom left corner)

18. then --> G (opposite river, come back again to the centre, over the bridge)

19. woods --> F (orchard near the riverside, bottom left corner)

20. xxx --> H (bottom right corner)


PART 3       Questions 21 - 30

Questions 21 - 26

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

21. How did they describe a website?

A. simple and clear to understand

B. it is interesting (website is useful, download, straightforward)

C. be much relevant to their research topics

22. Which part is the most difficult one?

A. xxx

B. the foot movement (sports movement, yet not done)

C. xxx

23. What does the boy investigate?

A. download the diagram from the Internet (diagram is self-drawn)

B. take apart his old shoes (construction, he cut off his old shoes)

C. borrow a sample from tutor (the sample was given by the tutor)

24. About the report, the job will be?

A. the woman fished half work of summary

B. the woman finished most work of summary

C. the woman finished almost all work of summary (written section are mainly finished by the gift he can do more presentation)

25. What they will do this weekend?

A. answer the questions left by their supervisor/professor for presentation

B. complete the summary (the woman will design her shoes)

C. xxx

26. Will ask the tutor about

A. where to borrow equipment (to use ppt or also a whiteboard)

B. xxx

C. xxx


Questions 27 - 30

Which of the following features is suitable for the statements below?

Choose FOUR answers from the list, A-F, and write it next to Questions 27-30.

List of features

A. change the layout

B. write it longer

C. give a detailed example

D. change to other parts

E. in simple language

F. write in the last part


List of statements:

27. Introduction: F

28. Results - D (put behind the report)

29. Conclusion - E (easy to understand the results)

30. Discussion - C (more detail using graphic format, details and list of data, need more information on xxx)


PART 4       Questions 31 - 40

Questions 31 - 40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


                 A case study of ancient languages


31. ancient languages were invented for religious purposes and for trade

32. people needed a precise language about science

33. each word of his language was based on a picture

34. also to base language on numbers

35. ancient people used songs to help understand his new language

36. a letter to his friends to advertise his language

37. to make words negative

38. children in a hospital learned to read in new languages

39. this language cannot tell emotions

40. invented by writers, just for entertainment