IELTS Listening Questions and Answers - Actual Exam in some regions on 19 February 2022

Note: The green words are the answers in the actual exam in some regions (19/02/2022).

The Italics represent the dialogue in the audio of the test.

PART 1       Questions 1 - 10

Questions 1 - 10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


                                        Preparation for school activities

Day one:

1. try climbing for the first time

2. students can pay to borrow shoes during the camp

3. lunch will be barbecue or pizza (if weather is good, make BBQ, if it's not, then pizza)

4. students can enjoy spectacular views of the city


Day two:

5. students can try football games

6. in the afternoon, they will watch dancing from aborigines

7. students live in a block named: Paige

8. when the camps are full, it can contain 95 students

9. the price is 150 pounds per student

10. it does not include transport


PART 2       Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 - 16

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11. Dogon tribe can recognise (different stats astrology)

A. the location of stars

B. effects among stars

C. the distance between two stars

(Dogon has reported that they seem to possess advanced astronomical knowledge, it suggests to the observer stars)

12. How do WEYAKA people get rich

A. open bank account

B. assist others

C. lend money to others

(assessing the amount of money that people owe you)

13. Preserve nature

A. xxx

B. land use

C. xxx

14. xxxx

A. xxx

B. xxx

C. go back to former environment

15. the professor supports

A. camel transportation

B. walking

C. vessel

16. Nxx tribe

A. xxx

B. xxx

C. they have difficulties to trade minerals


Questions 17 - 20

Complete the table below.


Tribes   focus on activity
Dogon   (17) sharing us very important thing
WEYAKA   government's (28) education plan
Pxxx when xxx encourage to (19) settle  
Nxxx the value of different kinds of (30) gift  


PART 3       Questions 21 - 30

Questions 21 - 24

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

21. Why does Simon want to change the course?

A. go abroad and get work from another country

(Simon said that he wants - and this course can help working around the world, especially in New Zealand)

B. xxx

C. xxx

22. What does Simon think about the course economics?

A. is similar to other courses

B. uninteresting (boring and dull, as a course because he already learned it at high school and he's not interested in it)

C. for more convenient in file

23. Simon asks Anna's opinion about choosing the course

A. xxx

B. xxx

C. optional (the woman says it's up to you because it's optional)

24. Why does Anna want to the Foreign Language Course?

A. communication

B. travel

C. business and commerce (she thinks that they are useful - she mentioned travel at first, but it was wrong)


Questions 25 - 26

Choose TWO correct letters, A-E.

Which TWO things do they think about the lecturer?

A. the professor (lecturer) should encourage students to have free thought (motivated to think critically)

B. the professor is enthusiastic about the lecture

C. xxx

D. xxx

E. xxx


Questions 27 - 30

Which of the following courses is suitable for its benefits below?

Choose FOUR correct answers and write it next to Questions 27-30 on your answer sheet.


27. Communication 1: help speak in public

28. Psychology: teamwork (help in a large group)

29. Interpretation: help workers in cooperation

30. Communication 3: reduce the problems in co-work (help reduce quarrel caused by the culture difference)


PART 4       Questions 31 - 40

Questions 31 - 34

Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


31. Romans use pepper to cook and preparing for perfumes.

32. Greek and Italian added much spice to show their cuisine tastes, meanwhile, in Ancient Roman, spices can be displayed as wealth/fortune (show one's fortune, symbol of status or wealth)

33. It can impose medical influence on people's mood

34. contributed to the exploration of the new world.


Questions 35 - 37

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Type of spices Features
Spice B - clove

can relieve (35) pain of tooth (toothache and also it drives

off cold, medically is used to reduce pain of ...)

Peppercorns can take place of (36) money
Spice C - burnt scent

can hinder (37) domestic smells (cigarette smoke edged out

refuse bins for creating the worst domestic smell)


Questions 38 - 40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


38. it is expensive because of the great transport cost

39. trade of spice boosted the development of shipbuilding industry

40. cities received valuable income, including tax from the spice (the government takes valuable tax from the merchants)