IELTS Listening Questions and Answers - Actual Exam in some regions on 25 June 2022

Note: The green words are the answers in the actual exam in some regions (25/06/2022).

The Italics represent the dialogue in the audio of the test.

PART 1       Questions 1 - 10

Questions 1 - 6

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

1. Each group size is of 

A. xxx

B. 38 persons

C. xxx

2. how is the meeting room?

A. in flood

B. it is unavailable now

C. xxx

3. inform in advance if

A. need use the central cook facility

B. need someone cooking for them

C. eat at out

4. What can all people do on the farm

feed the animals

B. tractor demonstration

C. get information about organic farming

5. What is the survival course?

A. rin across the woodland run across the woodland, find food and water

B. looking for food

C. xxx

6. If you want to stay at the accommodation, how do you need to pay?

A. pay all the costs in advance

B. part of money in advance (deposit)

C. pay all the costs at arrival


Questions 7 - 10

Complete the sentences below.


7. go to the closest area, you can choose the cycling route

8. in rainy days, you can go to the museum

9. he likes this job because it is unusual

10. Address: Cohetele Road, Postcode: SH121LQ



PART 2       Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 - 15

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

11. Something about the company's history

A. quickly established

B. it took a long time to establish

C. set up by a relatives

12. Why did they develop the new strategy?

A. to develop new products

B. old staff were having illness

C. meet the new demand of customers

13. How long did it take for the strategy?

A. xxx

B. half a year

C. xxx

14. the biggest number of positions are in

A. administration

B. production

C. send out goods

15. xxx

A. xxx

B. xxx

C. pay slowly


Questions 16-20

Which of the following statements is suitable for the features below?

Choose the correct letters, A-H, and write it next to Questions 16-20.


16. wages (salary)

17. production (manufacturing process)

18. maintenance (repair)

19. computer (software and hardware)

20. maintain consumer relationships (research and development)


PART 3       Questions 21 - 30

Questions 21-30

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Power Ideas Main case Covering Problems
Compressed air on the (21) internet   parachute

the come head of the rocket

will be (22) stuck

(23) steam their (24) tutors cylinder metal (25) bird's nest valve had to be detached
(26) oxygen (27) a television program  (28) plastic bottle (29) protected by wood cover (30) salt is not pure



PART 4       Questions 31 - 40

Questions 31 - 40

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


31. only fly worm larvae can eat

(Adult glow worms can't feed, so they can live only for 14 days or so)

32. the fly worms see the light as warning

(it appears to be a warning signal to predators)

33. adult fly worms often remain in the same area, building a colony of glowworms

34. larvae glow brighter than they are hungry

(the larvae shining brightest are supposed to be the most)

35. many fireflies are active in the day

(many fireflies do not produce light. usually these species are diurnal or day flying)

36. Arachne's refers to the way glowworms catch flying insects like spiders

37. cause accident of building fires

38. the research provides genetic information

(biochemical studies into how the glowworm produces light, and a source of information to aid future ecological and evolutionary studies of the glowworm)

39. major threat to glowworms: disease

40. further research should focus on the migrate information of glowworms