IELTS Listening Questions and Answers - Actual Exam in some regions on 25th September 2021

Note: The green words are the answers in the actual exam in some regions (25/09/2021).

PART 1       Questions 1 - 10

Questions 1 - 10

Complete the notes below.



                  Outside activities for children


1. located at North Hill, opposite the toy factory

2. a lot of area for free parking

3. free entry includes a free drink for adults

New attractions includes:

4. there is a large slide

5. children golf courses

6. children must wear trousers

7. wear a pair of socks

8. give a label for their name/names

9. party min number: 8

10. birthday parties include: food, drink and decorations


PART 2       Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 - 14

Which of the following accommodations is suitable for the features below.

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C, and write it next to Questions 11-14 on your answer sheet.

List of accommodations


B    house

C     hostel



11. with a garden: A (house private garden size)

12. each with a garage: A (house need extra pay, hostel afraid not, only shared)

13. security with alarming system: B

14. new furniture:


Questions 15 - 20

The map below has SIX gaps. Choose the correct answer for each answer.

15. Bank (opposite to agency)

16. House (in front of the pool)

17. Hostel (cross at the High St. and West St.)

18. Flat (along to street to the city center, left side to the 1st room, before at second cross)

19. Post Office (West St.)

20. Bus Stop (agency)


PART 3       Questions 21 - 30

Questions 21 - 25

Which of the following activities is suitable for the type of chocolate below.

Choose the correct letters, A-H, and write it next to Questions 21-25 on your answer sheet.

21. chocolate histories: C - write fewer words

22. chocolate origin (producing area): add some up-to-date material

23. chocolate geographies: add cases analysis

24. politely (producer) chocolate: more interesting information

25. chocolate environment: need a visual aid


Questions 26 - 30

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

26. Why Australian cocoa Crop is better than other regions?

A. import from other countries

B. from a small producer

C. make it affordable

27. Why Australia soil is better than other countries

A. grow from better seeds

B. adding extra nutrition

C. nature nutrition in the soil

28. Waste product is used to 

A. make the recycled paper cups

B. feed the animals

C. dumped into the soil

29. Why the part of soil be removed

A. it is an unnecessary part

B. xxx

C. xxx

30. As the tutor says, what improvement needs to be done in the future?

A. xxx

B. xxx

C. more about waste management of the industry


PART 4       Questions 31 - 40

Questions 31 - 40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


               How to improve the productivity



31. absence is sometimes caused by factories in gender (like females have taken care of their children)

32. it is also a result of the employees' attitude

33. the culture of certain companies lead to the high absence rate


34. xxx industry higher than office

35. need a larger size of the workforce to make up the missed work

36. sometimes it is also caused by external factors (the boss asks for work extra time, which should have been done)

37. reduce the groups' efficiency of work

38. result in a large financial loss

39. it brings more benefits to both the individual and the organisations if the absence rate is controlled

40. companies can dismiss the people who keep doing work