IELTS Listening Questions and Answers - Actual Exam in some regions on 7 August 2021

Note: The green words are the answers in the actual exam in some regions (07/08/2021).

PART 1       Questions 1 - 10

Questions 1 - 10

Complete the notes below.



                  Working Interview


Address: (1) Flat, 6A, West House Modern St.

Postcode: LB42SG

Telephone number: (2) 07841233809

Birthday: (3) 16th October, 1980

Used to work (employment history)

Evening job in a (4) supermarket

when work to begin: (5) September

Previous work: in a (6) call center for a bank

Preference to work

First choice: in a bookshop

Second choice: in a (7) hospital

What skill want to be used: (8) Spanish


Time: tomorrow (9) 11.15 am

Please bring (10) school record if she does not have a driver license



PART 2       Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 - 15

Choose the correct letters, A, B or C.

11. xxx, should they brochure and for what?

A. cannot afford it

B. useful for going to US

C. travel to South America for a second time

12. What people should bring in daytime?

A. water

B. pest repellent

C. warm clothes

13. xxxx?

A. hotel

B. locker

C. bus

14. When should the tour member pay the insurance

A. when you pay holiday

B. when tour consultant finish

C. when you first meet tour leader

15. xxx medical training

A. after consulted the tour guide

B. shave special medical knowledge

C. as requested form the locals


Questions 16 - 20

Which of the following features is suitable for the means of transports below?

Choose FIVE correct answers from the list, A-G, and write your answer next to Questions 16-20?

List of means of transports

A. by minivan

B. by bus

C. by car

D. by plane

E. by train

F. by raft

G. by donkey


List of features:

16. from L to Colombia: D

17. city C to village: G

18. village to city O: B

19. back from city O: A

20. those not go to option scenic going home: E


PART 3       Questions 21 - 30

Questions 21 - 26

Choose the correct letters AB, or C.

21. Who founded this Organisation of MFUG

A. xxx

B. by business people

C. xxx

22. Original purpose for this protection scheme,

A. efficient land use

B. xxx

C. xxx

23. what is the unexpected result in school research?

A. being proud about community

B. xxx

C. xxx

24. the recruitment goal for next year

A. xxx

B. xxx

C. involve community centers

25. provide for physically disabled people

A. gardening tools

B. containers

C. special tools (not at present)

26. unexpected disadvantages,

A. xxx

B. encouragement on xxx

C. children xxx society


Questions 27 - 30

Which of the following descriptions is suitable for the places below?

Choose the correct letter, A-F, and write it next to Questions 27-30.


List of places

27. City center: cooking lessons

28. Government: management on greenhouse effect

29. University: advice and soil analysis

30. Hospital: fitness


PART 4       Questions 31 - 40

Questions 31 - 40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


               City Infrastructure


31. building effect on the pedestrian's access instead of traffic most

32. to take into account the storage or parking

33. set up enough warming signs

34. signpost in the dark area must be obvious, lightening darkness

35. as in CCTV regulation, some cameras were applied in the past, now boxes for security installed

36. city planning aims to improve the traffic circulation

37. remove the graffiti and stickers

38. bins should be well arranged for

39. all furniture in the street must be durable

40. introduction of regulation and legal requirement