IELTS Speaking Part 2 (Forecast from May to September 2023)

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1. Noisy places

Describe a noisy place you have been to

You should say:

- Where it is

- When you went there

- What you did there

And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place

2. Places to relax

Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax

You should say:

- Where it is

- What it is like

- What you enjoy doing there

And explain why you feel relaxed at this place

3. Polluted place

Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

You should say:

- Where the place is

- When you visited it

- Why the air was not good

And explain how you felt about the place

4. Teach others to do

Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something

You should say:

- Who you taught

- What/how you taught

- What the result was

And explain how you felt about the experience

5. Residential

Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall, park, …)

You should say:

- What and where the development is

- What it was like before

- How long it took to complete it

- How people feel about it

And explain how it has improved the area you live in

6. Historical period

Describe a historical period/moment you would like to learn more about

You should say:

- What you are interested in

- When it happened

- What you know about it

And explain why you would like to learn more

7. Unusual meal

Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:

- When you had it

- Where you had it

- Whom you had it with

And explain why it was unusual

8. Something to make

Describe something you did that make you feel proud

You should say:

- What it was

- How you did it

- What difficulty you had

- How you dealt with the difficulty

And explain why you felt proud of it

9. Complaint

Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result

You should say:

- When it happened

- Who you complained to

- What you complained about

And explain why you were satisfied with the result

10. Frequently used

Describe a website you often visit

You should say:

- What it is about

- How you found out about it

- How often you visit it

And explain why you often visit it