Mock Test 3 | General Writing Task 1


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


You are attending a course at an evening school. Write a letter to the director of the school with a complaint about the course.
In your letter, you should:
•    Describe the course you are taking.
•    Explain what you don’t like about the course.
•    Give your opinion about what should be done about it.

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:



IELTs Writing Task 1 (General Training)

  • 0 words

    Reference answer


    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rob, and I am taking an International Affairs class at your evening school. This letter is to redirect your attention toward the curriculum of the course. I have been taking this course for a few weeks now. However, what I noticed is the things that are being taught are outdated and obsolete.

    Having an immense interest in international affairs and connections of countries with each other, I decided to be a part of this course. However, I am not getting to learn anything new and interesting. Most of the things taught are what I already found on the internet even before joining this course.

    It would be better if the committee revises the course curriculum and adds all of the topics that are latest and have happened in the past decade. This is the only way to keep your students engaged and interested.

    Hoping for your support.

    Yours sincerely,


    Please click the red words below for other Sections in this Mock Test:

    Mock Test 3 | Speaking Part 3
    Mock Test 3 | Speaking Part 2
    Mock Test 3 | Writing Task 2 

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25 : 00
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